Monday, June 15, 2020


Thursday, June 04, 2020


you furiously blame other Chinese people eating bat, or mock them born with yellow skin, single eye-lids whatever; you always quicken your pace when some dark or brown skin people walk past by you.

at the same time, you are acting like an anti-racism person when George Floyd's incident happened in the USA.
Stop posting black pics without signing a petition or donating or joining a peaceful protest.

just that same old cliche: actions speak louder than words.

我不富有,我不伟大,所以我只能尽力 去做 我能力范围 能够帮助他人的事, 哪怕多么微不足道。

Monday, June 01, 2020


讓它落下 讓我放下 我沒放下 我想放下。

田馥甄 的新歌哦。