Thursday, May 31, 2018


大家都很忙,但其实大家都很得空,看见人头显示绿色的灯,却找不到一个真正让我能够聊天的。每天上完课就是回家我要的生活?本来与家人的相处至少能让我忘了外面的事,但划了手机看见大家与新旧朋友上课时打打闹闹,新的异性朋友,(不熟和熟的)我的难受又会被唤醒了。新学校的环境真的有点不适合我,别人的群会结伴出去,我的却有男朋友的,有宅的,有住很远,有性格忽冷忽热的,我也是醉了。现在冒冒然去特地跟新的群硬聊,我真的很难踏出那一步。我有问过天为什么遇到这样性格的朋友,好像我很完美酱,其实我需要的朋友类型或许是勤劳?好学?愿意attendclass 的,主动,我天真以为如果读大学了能够交到这样的会很好吧,但全是懒惰的,我也是彻底地醉了,我做不到一个人去class 所以会去library 逃避或者自修 .。或许如果我的性格是很潇洒的话,一切烦恼都会不存在吧。知道自己选择的路不容许那么脆弱的自己,或许我太就没看到人群除了考试,或许我的另一个人格出来抱怨,或许因为我期望太高。。。
我记得在哪读过一句话,大概是“ 不必羡慕别人的生活,因为你有你自己的生活方式”
我们看到别人的 insta,fb,snapchat,.... 也许是光鲜亮丽多姿多彩的,但其实有一部分的他们也只不过是也想伪装自己过的很好,过着别人憧憬的生活。但其实他们何常不是有烦恼时,无聊时,明明很多朋友却找不到一个来谈天。
一次两次也许还会layan 你,但很多次了就不一样了。时常看见熟人的动态或帖子只要感兴趣一定会评论但是另一边会想自己会不会很烦,都跟你那么就没见面还会act到好像还在以前酱。或许如果我现在的日子过的充实的话,就会比较少那样,会少话手机,会去跟新认识的朋友聊更多天吧,(当然如果我很多新朋友,我也会layan我的就朋友,毕竟喜新厌久我做不到,可以的话,我通常就算如果很久没见面了,见到面也会尝试不冷落他们,但如果他们还是觉得被冷落我也感到抱歉,比较我的身子跟嘴巴只有一个)

Tuesday, May 22, 2018



Friday, May 11, 2018

We are Malaysian!

when u finally have a proper reason to stay awake till midnight.

when surprise happened but never felt any disappointment.

we can have different political ideologies but we are still satu malaysia.

OKAY, seriously, i didnt expect PH will win in this #GE14 , what i keep praying is  maybe they can  manage to gain more seats compared to five years ago. (because you know someone will come out some bad tactics)
Who knows, the ending always have surprising me , PH finally won!

Not a political fan when i was young even till now hahaha but actually i have influenced by my dad to know all these politician's stories plus i read newspaper (minor) and online news...bla bla bla

I must said that as being  younger generation, doesnt mean that our roles are just study to get a good result or have a better excuse for youself to chase idols  blindly without knowing who is our prime minister right now, defence minister , educational minister just to name a few (my bro and sis are good example not knowing them after my dad told them because they are  not interested, so not bothering who the hell are they ,god hahahaha) (But, after this election, they both also started to follow up some political news especially my sis.)

maybe politics are just too dull for them.

After reading some politicians' background , their history, i gurantee u all will salute and appreciate what they have done and sacrificed to correct  the injustice happened violently in Malaysia.

In  this society, no doubt,we need those people who are willing and dare to fight for justice, fairness, and unity.These kind of people are clearly in shortages.what i mean here is not only related to politics, even in our real life. who to blame is most of us,who are fearing about our own interest. (included you and me ;)

I really  hope that BN will continually stay under their "recession" , hope the new government will do better than the old one, hope Malaysia has brighter future. (hope our money can successfully seek back from those villains and countries, since GST is going to be abolished, so debts are more difficult to settle as well)

In the past, our country was better known by other countries  which we, Malaysian lived in holes or on trees; now, our country is better known as a country full of fantastic bribe or lousy service stories;future, may the present situation change after the new replaces the old one, turning bad reputation to a clean, transparent one. Of course, the new government need some time to clear all the "rubbish",so citizen and netizen, please be more patient and stop complaining, as Rome is not built in one day. Lets see their progress together!

At last, may the racism, stigmas and discrimination  delete or reduce in our country after a significant change happened at 510.


Sunday, May 06, 2018

随便写写 1 男孩篇

手指尖碰触着冰冷的键盘, 泛白的嘴唇,尽管暖炉开得再大,身体还是心也会不自觉地发抖。


